Friday 13 March 2009

The First (and hopefully not the last) post

Well hello!!

My name is Diane and I have been lurking around blogland for a number of years now. Ive read funny blogs, serious blogs, blogs that have changed the authors life, and blogs that have changed my life. Ive decided to join you. I dont know what this blog will be about, but most blogs seem to share the best bits of the authors life, so thats what I want to do. I love to spend time with my family, cook, knit, sew, garden, walk, read, go to the theatre, cinema, camping etc etc. Please leave me comments along the way, and let me know if I'm boring you. The photograph is where I live - yes, I am a Duchess - only kidding. I can walk to this house from where I live - there are'nt many beautiful spots in South Yorkshire, but I am determined you are going to only see the best bits. Thanks for dropping by, and I hope to see you soon.


  1. yahaaaaa you did it! well done'll soon get the hang of it! its going to be fun,fun,fun!! noelle x

  2. me again! to add stuff to your blog go on your 'dashboard' and then into 'layouts'and choose whatever you want to put on. Its looking good! eagerly awaiting your next post!!!


Please leave me a comment. If I think no-one is there, I may fade away. xxx